Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sayang KL Fringe From USA

Terimah Kasi, KL Fringe! Saya Sayang Awak!

By webmaster - Posted on 20 July 2008

Here are some photos from the KL Fringe featuring Arifwaran, Deana, and Muz doing yoga on stage prior to their performance. The performers pose for posterity, and with cast and crew--with Dr. Zul Mohammed, our artistic producer on the extreme right (no pun intended.) Final shot is of the Stor Theatre with the DBP main stage looming over--the site of the famous debate with Dr. Anwar Ibrahim and Minister Shaberi. The following day, Dr. Anwar was arrested by Malaysian police and taken to Hang Tua police station, right next to our festival theatre house. What a time to be in KL!

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